Sunday, April 29, 2018

How to maintain wooden furniture

It is not enough to wipe dust once a week to maintain furniture. To keep it for as long as possible, it is good to apply other solutions. You should keep in mind that wood is vulnerable to changes in temperature, light or humidity.

Do not use inexpensive detergents.

Products dedicated to wood care are many on store shelves. We are tempted to buy the cheapest, though this is not the best solution for our furniture. Make sure the products you clean with are not very concentrated and don't contain long lasting ammonia.

What kind of wood is your furniture made out of?

If you know what kind of wood you will find it easier to choose the right products for cleaning. The most appropriate thing is to be interested in this even when you buy that furniture. Wood is marketed in different compositions. In the company catalog from where you bought your furniture you will find detailed information about its care.

Sunlight, temperature and humidity.

Direct sunlight is not good for any kind of furniture, paintings or photographs. Temperature and humidity are essential when it comes to maintaining wood furniture. In a room with high humidity, the wood swells, absorbs moisture. Once a year, it's good to call a specialist to polish wooden furniture and surfaces.